1/72 VF-25F Alto with Super Parts
Got spare times, so up-load some new post for you all guys. This is my first kit building, a lot of mistake done here so that i can make an improvement in the future, right ? So here it is, the 1/72 VF-25F Alto and the Super Parts for VF-25.
1/72 VF-25F Alto, front view of the box
It's manuals booklet
Back of the manuals, for decal marking and color guide
1/72 Super Parts for the VF-25, front view of the box
Back view, for decal marking and color guide
Picture below are the 1/72 VF-25F Alto with Super Parts attached, although right now just finishing my VF-27 kit, which will be put up it in the next post because Alto was the first in-line! ('',) Actually got this kit finished last 2008, i know i'am so yesterday haha.. Anyway, that time i was in a hurry just build it strightaway once its in my hand with incomplete tool. I bought the Super Parts for this kit saperately (see pic above) because that time there was no VF-25F Super Pack which nowadays you can find it anywhere :(
Front view
Side view
It looks so cool with those two clear blue attach on both sides which the DX versions don't have. I wonder why ?!
Rear view
Now here i want to show you some of the really interesting features, from the picture below just look at the booster part. Can you spot the dots ?? Yeah... that's right, i found this after finish coating it. Worse, the dots are everywhere !! All this because i used a fake top-coat( which i found out later on) that i've bought in keybee that time, some of you may know which shop it is. The cann looks just like the small Mr.Hobby top coat which is in blue color, but there is no 'Mr.Hobby' name on it, so beware.
Too bad i throw the cann before taking a picture of it. Anyway, after finish building my kit then i sprey it with top-coat and then keep it dry for the whole day. The next day i found out that my kit couldn't transform because all the moving parts are stick togather like glue because of the coating. Until now, my kit just stuck in fighter mode. How unlucky me huh... ~
So people, before you go out buy some hobby stuff.. make sure you read their labels first or better still, study them, google it, do your own research for the things you want to buy. Know exactly what the things are for and you know how to used it. Thats it for now, till then.
See you next deculture...